Director, Britto Hostel.
From the available written sources, we may safely conclude that St.Mary's Boarding House is older than the present higher secondary school by three years, though the formal inauguration of the boarding House took place in 1909. Then, De Nobili Hall and the present Science lab Block became the home of the first batch of boarders, who used it as study hall and dormitory. In 1929, the ground floor and in 1939, the first of the present St.MCA building were built and used as the full-fledged boarding house.
In 1977, St.Mary's Boarding House and St.Joseph's Children's Home were merged to make one Britto Home. The increase in the number of boarders added to our problem of providing necessary accommodation and basic conveniences. In 1978, the second floor was used as dormitory and during the day, the hall served as class rooms and for meetings and film shows.
While the Britto Home was serving the needs of the Catholic students, the Jesuits felt much earlier the need of having a separate hostel for non-Catholics. Hence Rev.Fr.F.X.Vattathara.SJ took a lot of efforts in this regard and completed the building of Beschi Hostel on 1st July, 1959. He himself became the first Director of this hostel.
In 1996, when Rev.Fr.Devadass Muthaiah.SJ was the Rector, both the Britto and Beschi hostels were once again merged into one complex, carrying the name ''BRITTO HOSTEL''. Since then the Jesuit community was generous enough to allot a large sum of money for the poor and specially the dalit students. Children from Madurai and Sivagangai Dioceses were the chief beneficiaries of this financial concession given by the Jesuit community.
After the merging of these hostels, there arose once again much inconvenience of space both for study and dormitory. When Rev.Fr.Stephen Kulandai Samy.SJ became the Rector and Rev.Fr.J.L.Pragasam.SJ as the Director, the Aruppe Block was built to provide more facilities to the inmates, thus easing out the inconvenience felt earlier.
As an inmate, later as an Assistant Warden and now as the Director, I see very well that all along, the Britto Hostel has been serving its purpose of providing a supportive role to the school by way of producing great players and athletes. The students ever remember gratefully the overall formation given in the hostel. The hostel takes pride today as it has produced the former Vice-chancellor of Anna University, the Collectors of Coimbatore and Perambalur districts and other eminent people in various walks of life.
During this Centenary Year of the School in 2008, with Rev. Frs. Jebamalai Raja.SJ., and Vincent Amalraj.SJ., as the Rector and the Headmaster respectively, the hostel enjoyed the privilege of being the pet project of the community.
A good number of Jesuits have given their heart and soul to shape and mould the characters of the students. We nostalgically remember the dedication of these Jesuits who have made the Britto Hostel a land of plentiful opportunity for the development of the integral personality of Catholics as well as non-Catholic Students. The Hostel also gloriously celebrated its Centenary celebrations in 2009.
(This history is taken from our St.Mary's Hr.sec.school Centenary Celebration Souvenir written by Rev.Fr.V.Stephen Lourdhu Pragasam. SJ, then – Director.)
During study hours strict and strenuous efforts are followed to facilitate our students to excel in academic performances. With the help of the Assistant Directors, the students are guided and shaped in character -formation also in teaching – learning – process. Our inmates feel at home with our Time Table for them to pursue in their personality development. Our students are trained in cultural programmes like folk dance, drama and creative activities. We take utmost care and concern in offering healthy food to cater to their physical needs. Physical exercise is given more importance and many of our inmates are shining as sought – after – players in all the sports and games events. Total integral formation is being imparted here for our students and so it is felt that our hostel is a home away from home! All our students cherish the rich values and formation here. Parents too witness these reality and so there is a lot of demand for admission in our Britto Home.
After taking over as the Director of the Britto Hostel, I was observing the students and their involvement in the hostel. Slowly we have developed the infrastructure as well as the urgent needs of our students. We tried to do our level best to implement certain essential things for the all round formation of the hostel students. In 2016-2017, we had put up a new Ignatius block above the Dining hall to accommodate our 6th , 7th and 8th standard students. They were formally staying in the school premises called Boarding building. This was done by the great efforts of our Rector, Rev.Fr.P.Arockia Samy.SJ., then-Treasurer Br.Stephen Raj.SJ., and the Director Rev.Fr.V.George.SJ., Not only that, we also had improved the kitchen with new facilities, equipments, new toilets and the new compound wall around our campus for the safety and security of our students. A new facelift has been given to the hostel and all our transactions have been digitalized and CCTV Cameras have also been installed.
The Jesuit Community at St.Marys' Hr.Sec.School, Madurai runs Britto Hostel, mainly for the education and welfare of the economically disadvantaged rural students who come from far off places to pursue education. The aim of the hostel is to help the hostellers to grow in love and compassion, to develop their talents in all aspets.
Rev. Director and Assistant Directors play the role of the parents, taking great care for the well-being of the students. Assistant Directors are helping the Rev. Director in the smooth running of the hostel. Admission into hostel will be considered only after getting admission into St. Mary's Hr.Sec.School, Madurai. For further details, please contact Rev. Director.